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Thursday, 10 May 2012

Junior Assistant (Vidyut Sahayak), Various Posts In Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL)

Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL)

Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL) invites applications for the following posts:

Job Designation: Junior Assistant (Vidyut Sahayak)

Number of Positions: 16 (Sixteen)

Pay Scale: Fixed remuneration for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year would be Rs.5500/-, Rs.6000/- and 6500/- respectively per month. No other allowance or benefits would be admissible except coverage under Personal Accident Policy, Reimbursement of TA/ DA as per rules etc.

Educational Qualification: Graduate having B.A, B.Com, B.B.A,B.C.A :, B.Sc or equivalent degree from UGC recognized University with 55% or more marks in final year exam and have cleared at first attempt without ATKT. Candidates appearing in the final year exam may also apply for the post however their selection shall be subject to
their acquiring 55% percentage marks in the final year without ATKT. The knowledge of Computers and English language is essential, which shall be assessed by the Company through pre-employment test.

Age Limit: 25 years for General category and 30 years for reserved category. Relaxation in upper age limit to P/ H candidates & Ex Armed Force Personnel is 10 years, and 5 years for female Candidates in respective caste.

Location of Posting: Mehsana

Application Fee: Demand Draft of Rs. 500/-.and for SC/ ST Category Candidates have to send Demand Draft of Rs. 250/-. payable in favour of “UGVCL, Mehsana”. And write down your Name & Confirmation number on the back side of the draft.

How To Apply: Apply Online. Send the hard copy of the application to The Addl. General Manager (HR),Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Register & Corporate Office , Visnagar Road, Mehsana– 384 001 by Registered post on or before 25th May 2012 duly mentioning “ Application for the post of “Junior Assistant (Vidyut Sahayak)” on envelop. The candidates shall be required to mention on the envelop their confirmation numbers. Only on-line applications will be permitted on the Company’s Website between 00.00 hours on 01-May-2012 till 24.00 hours on 15- May-2012.

General Conditions:

1. The management reserves the right to short list, select or rejects any candidates for written test / Oral / Interview as the case may be for selection.

2. The management reserves right to cancel Select list / Waiting list at any time at its sole discretion, without assigning any reasons thereof.

3. Candidates are required to submit online application compulsorily.

4. If the candidate submits the online application, but do not forward the hard copy of application with requisite documents and demand draft (fees), then such candidature will be invalid.

5. The application is liable to be rejected, if it is not in conformity with given proforma, incomplete, illegible, and unsigned or without requisite certificates and application fee wherever applicable or received after closing date, without assigning any reasons thereof and in all such events the fees received by DD will not be refunded. Copy of School Leaving Certificate is must for Birth / Age verification.

Last Date To Apply: 25th May 2012

Contact Address: Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Register & Corporate Office , Visnagar Road, Mehsana– 384 001

Details will be available at: Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL)

For more Govt Jobs keep reading Sarkari Naukri


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